Net Weigh Filler
This is the logical solution to a net weigh filler designed to accurately dispense precise weights from 1 oz. to 5 lbs. (2.5 kg) of roasted coffee. This unit consists of
- Standard 2.0 cu. foot hopper
- 3.5 cu foot hopper available - will make the unit 8" taller
- 5" wide pan and with vibratory speed control
- 5 lb. weigh bucket (roasted whole bean)
This unit requires no air and is available in standard 120V electric, Accurate to +/- 1% of an ounce at speeds up to 800 fills per hour.
Choose from one or two lane configurations.
Available options include
- Electric dribble feed gate
- Hopper cover
- Variety of bag filling options
Important information: this is all stainless steel including the frame. This unit comes standard with locking casters at no additional charge.
OPTIONS - call for details and clarity
Key Features:
- Available in 1 or 2 lanes
- Up to 800 or 1600 fills/hour (depending on number of lanes)
- Your choice 2.0 cu ft hopper or optional 3.5 cu ft hopper.
- 6 cu ft hopper is standard on the 2 lane machine.
- Complete stainless steel construction
- Casters for no extra charge.
- Stepper motor driven weigh bucket
- 5" wide vibratory feeder trough/pan
- Automatic tare adjustment
- Self-adjusting bulk and dribble speed control
- Color touch screen HMI
- 120 V and no pneumatic requirement for operation
- Foot pedal initiation
- Additional $450 crating charge