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60 Kilo - Petroncini TA60 Mini Plant - 2014 - Mint - Never Used

Original price $200,000.00
Current price $75,000.00

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A Roasterie's mistake is your gain!

It’s surprising how many companies buy 2 new roasters at a time. This is one of those cases with business changes occurring after Covid where they did not need the second roaster.

This is an incredible opportunity for a roastery looking to upgrade or expand! A brand new, never-used mini plant with such capabilities and features will be a game-changer for a small-scale industrial roaster.

The capacity, flexibility in managing roasting variables, and the promise of achieving various sensory profiles from light to dark roasts make this TTA 60 roaster an exciting find. The fact that it's from a reputable, century-old Italian roaster manufacturer and has been given a thumbs-up by CoffeeTec technicians adds credibility to the quality and reliability of the plant equipment.

The plant is available to look at, although it is packed in crates and ready to ship NOW!


Petroncini Coffee Roasting - Pneumatic Loader Model ELP60, Automatic Roaster Model TTA60, Afterburning System Model BFT60, Bean Storage System 

"We are passing the savings on to you, with a price of $110,500."

All Parts and Service are available in the US

Related Product:

Its hourly capacity of about 240 kg and the manual management of the working phases makes this TTA 60 ideal for small-scale industrial roasters who don’t want to give up the pleasure of artisan roasting of their own coffee.

TTA 60 is an easy-to-use, reliable and cost-effective machine enabling complete handling freedom of the roasting, combined with the guarantee of the highest manufacturing quality and long-life operation of devices installed. The equipment is easily set up so that time-to-commissioning and maintenance operations are definitely reduced, ensuring high profitability standards.

The TTA 60 allows the roast master to manage coffee temperature, drum rotation speed and air-to-bean ratio, therefore letting him vary the method of transferring heat to the bean, achieving the desired balance between convection and conduction. Managing the roasting variables according to the desired end product, the roast master is now able to transfer heat through the soft conduction with the insulated drum surface and with the powerful heating convection, through the massive air flow volume that can be handled inside the drum. The heating chamber, made with very thick material, guarantees perfect and homogenous mixing of the roasting air, resulting in reliable machine performance and repeatability of roasting profiles. We can thereby succeed in achieving countless sensory profiles, developing the coffee’s deepest aromas, from light roasting to the very darkest.

Methane Gas is the European name for Natural Gas. Located in the Northeast

*Pictures are only representative of the roaster and equipment, actual equipment is still in crates.


• Sturdy and long-life components process

• Modulating burner 0-100%

• Emergency water for the roaster drum

• Adjustable convection and conduction

• Energy efficiency and thermal insulation

• Roasting and cooling independent fans. Reliable and efficient eco-friendly systems

• Adjustable airflow and drum rotation for the emission treatment speed


• Suitable for very dark roast

• Freedom of artisan roasting Effective chaffs separation

• Pre-setting of the roasting profiles

• Automatic cycle

Watch it here on YouTube:

Itemized list of equipment:

2 pcs
2 pcs Silos
1 pcs Upper part of cooling cyclone
1 pcs Lower part of cooling cyclone
1 pcs Afterburner BFT60
1 pcs Roaster TTA60
1 pcs  Chaff Cyclone
1 pcs Hopper of pneumatic Loader
1pcs Ribo Pump
1 pcs IMAS piper + AR-Fan
1 pcs Material for assembly 
1 pcs Pipe for accs Pneumatic Transport
2 pcs Green Coffee Hopper
1 pcs Conveyor
2 pcs Flexible pipes for Pneumatic (suction pipe)
1 pcs Flexible pipes for Air Suction (piping)
1 pcs Accessory of the framework
1 pcs Feet of the framework
1 pcs Accessory