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Classic Destoner - Up to 2000 lbs. p/hr. - NEW

$7,812.00 USD

The Last Destoner You May Ever Need

High-volume through-put: Up to 2000 lbs of beans p/hr (900 kilos). Easily suitable for up to a 60 kilo roaster output.

(See Demonstration Video Below)

This patent-pending fluid-bed destoner has separation technology that has changed how stones and other dense particles are removed from coffee. The Classic DeStoner is the only destoner that does not damage beans during the destoning process.

When you convey beans it's inevitable that some will break. The Classic DeStoner doesn't convey beans, thus avoiding breakage. It uses a fluid-bed technology compared to traditional destoners, floating the beans in the air, which greatly reduces the velocity. This results in removing even the smallest of stones and dense particles. The Classic Destoner's fluidizing separation process makes it possible to separate particles much closer to the density of the beans.

That is why our customers have benefited from fewer problems caused by stones and other dense particles.

  • Removes even the smallest stones & dense particles
  • Food grade polished stainless steel
  • Heavy-duty stainless steel frame clamped design for easy cleaning
  • Adjustable height
  • 110 or 240 volts,15 amps
  • International voltages
  • Very quiet operation

Fully automatic, just open your cooler and say goodbye to your stones!

CONTACT SALES DIRECT @ 650-569-0011 to discuss getting this to your roastery!

Crating and Shipping not included in the listed price.


Why a Quote? Some of our equipment have shipping, handling, and special options requiring additional information unique to your purchase.

Call for more information:
U.S.: 800-999-1600
International: +1-650-556-1333