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Roaster History Corner

Roaster History Corner

Remembering the Way Things Were . . .

Here are some Amazing Roasters and Equipment. . .


For years, there was a great collection and selling of historical espresso machines - all of them in working order. That Old Timer has finally retired and no longer active. We have saved some of the better photos that mean something significant as they make for a reference to changes happened. If such history is exciting to you . . . then you simply need to take a holiday in Italy and start searching. There is little hope of getting this kind of stuff in North America - but stay in the Northern areas as there seem to be more collections in that area.


Joper Cast Iron Roasters got Real Active - circa 1970s
Developed Gourmet Line in 2010 - They became the Spotlight Cast Iron via convection heating!

Probat UG-15 Roaster
Rebuilt to be Completely New!

This is so rare . . . a total "rebuilt-as-new." There obviously is a story. A customer bought this machine - had it totally stripped and every past taken back to bare metal - but also had every chrome part, re-chromed. Then all new motors, wiring, and electronics - literally a new machine. Here is where the story gets sad . . . this was supposed to be part of a big package of other equipment at some pretty big bucks for the total package . . . but the supply group fell apart and only the naked roaster (pictured here) actually arrived at the staging area. 


Barth Sirocco "Ball" 45 Kilo Roaster for Coffee & Cocoa

1955 Vintage Cast Iron - still operating in 2015!
This is a must-have for anybody in the Cocoa Roasting business and it is equally used in coffee as well.

Gothot Roaster Video
Great Video showing a Rebuilt Antique 8K Gothot Roaster in Action


Hamerel Ball Coffee & Cocoa 15 kilo Roaster
working antique | preserving cast-iron technology

Made: France, 1965
Size: 15 kilo.
However, since the gourmet coffee industry has grown, so has the bean size. So we believe 10-12 kilo is a better roast size for this machine, allowing for greater development.

Description: This machine is a working antique! It is a truly unique machine. The chrome is spotless, but it does need to be polished as we are picking up lots of reflections as the pictures are showing. We have not measured it exactly, but we estimate the height to be a little less than 6 ft. tall through the top of the hopper. Coffee dumps by grabbing the wheel and spinning it backward.

This is still used in shop's daily operation. The 60 lb roaster has its cooling drum on the bottom and has glass sided stoner. Always maintained throughout the original owner's operating use. Indeed, a classic American operational antique. 

A Retro Look at Espresso Grinder History

Coffee Grinders - from their essential effectiveness and presence - they are indispensable for making espresso. But as often evoked the old mills, those who have a charm. Curves, styles, chrome, glass that have nothing to envy the car 1950s wacky, extravagant, worked or solid, they all have this side "beautiful work" as it was known to it at the time, if only for a subject household appliances.
By attending forums related to coffee, I made the acquaintance of Anthony that if he has a remarkable collection of old coffee machines, do not have less equally fine collection mills. 

Royal No 1 Coffee Roaster

Example of rebuilt Royal No 1 Coffee Roaster, with cyclone, j type thermocouple, and new ribbon burner. Preserving the past! Soes 10 pounds per batch.


Royal Coffee Roaster No. 5: Capacity: 25 lbs 

Royal Coffee Roaster No. 6: Capacity: 75 lbs 

Royal Coffee Roaster No. 7: Capacity: 150 lbs & Best used for parts

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